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Hair loss in Men



A broad forehead often indicates a wise man. However, the young man who starts losing hair is often very concerned. Good hair is a sign of vanity in most men. With changing lifestyle and stress, the onset of male pattern baldness has now begun as early as late twenties or early thirties.

What are the common causes of hair loss in men?

  • Male pattern hair loss / Androgenetic Alopecia (This usually runs in families, and is seen as broadening of the forehead, the frontal hair line recedes and there may or may not be thinning at the top of the head)
  • Hair loss following any illness, period of dieting, period of severe stress, poor food intake, or due to change in waking hours
  • Hair loss after repeated chemical treatments such as coloring, straightening
  • Patchy hair loss due to Alopecia Areata
  • Smoking causes hair loss

Does wearing helmet cause hair loss?

This is a common myth, most people claim that using a helmet causes hair loss. However, this is not true. Keeping your helmet clean would help to reduce any oiliness or dandruff which may develop.

Does hair styling gel/cream cause hair loss?

Hair styling gels and creams are now part of every mans grooming regimen. Excessive application of hair styling products leads to accumulation of product over the hair shafts and over the scalp causing dandruff. This means that when you use any styling product you also need to cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Use a pH balanced, preferably sulphate free shampoo or hair cleanser to use.

How often should I wash my hair?

Hair needs to be washed twice to three times a week. This prevents excessive build up of the styling products, oils secreted by the scalp and sweat and other everyday pollutants. However, be sure to select a gentle, pH balanced shampoo. Using a strong shampoo for an oily scalp can only make problems worse, the scalp tends to secrete more oil if it is dried out. Instead, settle for a gentle cleanser and wash the hair more often.

What treatments can I do to get back my hair thickness?

First, you need a detailed evaluation by the dermatologist to assess the condition of the scalp and the hair. Then the doctor can suggest a customised treatment plan which includes medical treatment which you need to follow at home, which may include the use of medicated shampoos, sprays etc. The in-clinic treatments usually include a combination of Low level laser therapy, Dermaroller treatments, Platelet rich plasma treatments and Growth factor treatments. To know more about hair loss treatments, consult Dr. Rasya Dixit today.

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